3D-printing with kids: On festival Into The Great Wide Open a big success! Real designer talent is discovered during the festival. The children are designing sailing boats, speedboats, VOC ships houseboats, and barges of Noach.
The children create a boat in five steps. The first step is designing a boat by drawing. This step shows the children how 3D-thinking works and the process of designing. The second step is folding a boat with cardboard. In this step the little ones get an idea on which object the 3D-print will be attached to later on. Step three is printing your own design on the printer. Bewildered, surprised and excited kids are standing next to the printers watching their own design coming out of it.
During the designing process a lot of participant show their true nature; Adolescents how are ‘Super Cool’ normally are changing into child’s again who really love to tinker. Every child is looking for existing materials from the Island to create their boats with. Feathers, shells, sticks, leafs and even dead crabs are tinkered on the genius boats who are created on Vlieland.
During this project we have seen that we are making steps. Elementary School ‘De Krijtenburg’ is one of the schools in The Netherlands which is participating in the project 3D Comenius. During Into The Great Wide Open the students and teachers of this school were teaching others how to work with 3D-printer, the 3D-Programme Tinkercad and Doodle3D. It very lovely to see how these people learned already so much about 3D-Printing and can also bring that on to another.
These three days, during the festival, we have had a lot of reactions, solutions, impressions, ideas and comments which we can use by starting other following 3D projects. More or other festival projects, educative projects like 3D Comenius, workshops for adults and children are ideas we here from our crowd. Which projects this will be we can’t say for sure. Just check out our website or Facebook for this. We were very thankful to be part of the festival Into The Great Wide Open and we want to thank the Provence of Fryslân and the Festival coordination for this opportunity.
“Thanks to the inventor of the 3D-Printer” a little child screams, this sentence says a lot about how much fun education can be.
During Into The Great Wide Open 2014 House of Design and Province of Fryslân are working together with SymbioShape, Studio Jauke van den Brink, Fablab Groningen, Atelier Marleen Andela, De Krijtenburg en Pezy Product Innovations.
Are you interested in the different opportunities that 3D-Printing will provide? Please contact us if you want to discuss an idea. We can make a connection with other professionals, create a project or advice you about the subject. Send an e-mail to info@houseofdesign.nl or call +31 50 318 9424.