Closing conference 3D Comenius

Closing Conference 3D Comenius | Blokhuispoort Leeuwarden, 16th of June Continue reading Closing conference 3D Comenius
Closing Conference 3D Comenius | Blokhuispoort Leeuwarden, 16th of June Continue reading Closing conference 3D Comenius
All partners of schools, pupils and designers, design and science centers meet in Leeuwarden. The schools De Wielen from Leeuwarden and Prof. Wassenberghskoalle show the Continue reading Closing conference 15th till 17th of June in Leeuwarden
3D-printing with kids: On festival Into The Great Wide Open a big success! Real designer talent is discovered during the festival. The children are designing Continue reading 3D-printing on Festivals | Making steps
Mayor Ferd Crone was a guest this morning at a 3D printing workshop in Camminghaburen. He had come to Child Centre De Wielen (elementary school, Continue reading Mayor Crone promises to wear printed chain of office
A Suffolk school has completed the latest stage of a pioneering international project to establish state-of-the-art 3D printing into the curriculum. Alde Valley School in Continue reading School’s 3D project puts perspective on learning
House of Design has thought out and set up a 3D print project in assignment of the province of Friesland. In this project, students between Continue reading Cooperation Studio Jauke van den Brink and 3D Comenius
Obs De Zeester and vmbo-school De Krijtenburg at the island of Vlieland and obs De Wielen in Leeuwarden are forerunners during the next two years. Continue reading Vlieland at the forefront in lessons with 3D printer
After welcoming our Dutch colleagues and loading up on caffeine, we spent half an hour connecting, downloading and registering all the necessary computer programs. We Continue reading Workshop 3D printing OBS de Wielen
Represented at the meeting: The Netherlands de Krijtenburg: Ben Matoren, obs De Wielen: Jannet Bosma, Arjan Verbeem obs De Zeester; Cees Visser The House of Continue reading 3D Technology Project First Project Conference and meeting on Vlieland
Lucas said last week in newspaper de Volkskrant “Let’s not teach children to use a jig saw but to design 3D models.” This is exactly Continue reading House of Design: 3D printing at schools